Corning Natural Gas does many things to meet sustainable and low carbon emissions standards. The company projects it will reduce emissions from 1990 levels to 2044 by 49% using multiple methods.
Corning is unique in many ways. We are directly connected to local gas supply including Trenton Black River and Marcellus natural gas which eliminates some longer pipeline transportation deliveries and helps lower emissions.
In 2024, two renewable natural gas projects came online: the WAGA - Bath Landfill Project and Project Bluebird. The WAGA Project brings landfill gas, or brown gas, into our system. The Bluebird Project supplies trucked dairy farm gas into our system. These projects eliminate methane that would otherwise be flared at the landfill or vented into the atmosphere and are instead put to use for residential and commercial customers. The company has plans to add more renewable gas in the future.
Other strategies to lower carbon emissions include increasing efficiencies through weatherization of customer homes and businesses and encouraging the use of hybrid heating systems.
Additionally, we are purchasing some responsibly sourced gas (RSG) and more locally produced gas, both of which have a measurable and proven low carbon emission footprint. Hydrogen blending is another possibility we may explore in the future.
The company filed its twenty-year gas plan on January 31, 2025. This was a NYSPSC requirement of all gas utilities and outlines how we will reduce our emissions over the next twenty years by implementing some of the aforementioned strategies.
Corning Natural Gas strives to provide its customers with the best response times and customer service. Our customer satisfaction scores consistently rank #1 in New York State amongst all utilities with scores averaging around 95%.